Ordering a PermitSearch Report

To order a PermitSearch report, please email us at orders@permitsearch.com.  We will respond ASAP, confirm details, and make payment arrangements.

Individual PermitSearch reports are $150. Special pricing is available for real estate professionals - inspectors, realtors, attorneys, and title companies.
What you’ll get

Your PermitSearch Report is designed with you in mind. We take all of the information provided by the local municipality and present it clearly.


“After running a PermitSearch report, we identified a few issued that had to be addressed before we could close on our new home.”
Julia Keys
Lancaster, PA
“The PermitSearch Report gave me the confidence to sell my house quickly and with no issues at the closing table.”
Hugo Medhurst
Lake Hopatcong, NJ

Purchase with confidence

100% guarantee!

Your order is safe with us. PermitSearch stands behind each PermitSearch report.

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